this letter shows the usage of the YAML parameter return-short. The parameter has been created to allow for a different possibly shorter address to fit in the window. If return-address and return-short are used, the probably longer return-address is shown in the letterhead and the hopefully one line return-short in the address window. Usually (without using return-short) the address in the window is assembled from the author and the return-address and therefore identical to the address in the letterhead.

The return-short must contain the entire return address shown in the window including the author name, since the author is not prepended. The YAML parameter return-short maybe either a one line text variable or a YAML sequence also known as list.

return-short: Müller-Lüdenscheidt, Vicco-von-Bülow-Str. 3, 10623 Berlin

  - Müller-Lüdenscheidt
  - Vicco-von-Bülow-Str. 3
  - 10623 Berlin

In the case of the one line text form the writer specifies the address separator, a comma in the above example. If return-short is given as a sequence / list, the address separator is defined in the relevant layout (lco-file).